Saturday, August 21, 2010

How do i curl my hair?

How do i Curl my hair with a hair straightener ?

I have naturally curly hair,But i don't want it all curly so i straighten my hair then try and curl it with my STRAIGHTENER,I just want like odd curly bits here and there,My friends goes her hair curled with a straighter at the hair dressers but every time i do it,It never works it just comes out with kinks .Can anyone give advise on the best way to do it?

[Don't say just do no straighten the parts you want curly because when my hair is curly is always looks kinda wet and darker and i want it to all blend]How do i curl my hair?

section a piece of hair.

clamp the straightener on it.

then twist it around the iron ONCE. then pull outwards.

type in 'how to curl your hair with a straightening iron' and click on the first one. shes very good at it and goes step by step.

:DHow do i curl my hair?

if you have a GHD or a curled straightner

like a curvey one

you wrap your hair around the straightner and glide it.

here is a more easier way to explain it

hope that helps.

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